Sims Grass Co.

655 N Industrial Blvd, Bedford TX 76021

Bermuda -

Tifway 419

A warm-season grass with very fine texture, well maintained Tifway is known for its dark green color.

Vigorous growth along with an extensive root system combine to produce a dense hardy turf that is tolerant to most stress conditions.

Temperature Tolerance:

Tifway grows best in warm climates.

Temperatures in excess of 100 degrees F are readily tolerated by healthy Tifway.

Tifway may become dormant after repeated winter frosts but recovers quickly when temperatures warm.

Shade Tolerance:

Very poor shade tolerance; requires mostly full sun for most of the day to grow properly. Thinning and receding grass isn't uncommon in areas of high shade with Bermuda.

Wear Resistance:

One of our most wear resistant turfs.

Tifway provides the best recuperative rates of all warm season turfgrasses. A vigorous regenerator.

Water Requirements:

Can survive with very little irrigation.

However, in order to maintain good quality turf, waterings of approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch two to three times a week depending on soil type may be required.

Disease and Insect Susceptibility:

With the exception of certain leaf feeding insects (army worms in late summer/early fall), Tifway demonstrates tolerance or can quick recovery from damage after pest control treatments.

Recommended Usage:

Bermuda can produce a very high quality turf if proper management is provided.

Commonly seen on residential homes, fairways of golf courses, and almost every athletic field imaginable

Tifway 419 Bermuda has long been the standard for Bermuda grasses. 

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