Sims Grass Co.

655 N Industrial Blvd, Bedford TX 76021

St Augustine - Cobalt

Cobalt™ St. Augustine is a great choice for a southern commercial or residential lawn.

 This selection has an excellent visual quality with a dark green genetic color and a wide leaf blade and stolon's.

Temperature Tolerance:

St. Augustine grass thrives well during the heat of summer months. 

Cobalt is winter hardy (USDA cold hardiness zone of 8a).

Shade Tolerance:

The most shade tolerate of any of the warm season grasses and of all St Augustine's.

Wear Resistance:

Occasional traffic isn't a problem on established turf.

Has the ability to recover from damage rapidly once foot traffic is removed.

Water Requirements:

Cobalt features excellent drought resistance.

Disease and Insect Susceptibility:

Cobalt is tolerant towards most diseases when maintained in a healthy lawn.

Recommended Usage:

Still our best choice for lawns with partial shade. It will also perform well in lawns with full sun exposure. With proper care, St. Augustine will provide a thick beautiful lawn that discourages weed infestation.

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