Sims Grass Co.

655 N Industrial Blvd, Bedford TX 76021

St Augustine - ProVista

Backed by Scotts®, ProVista™ makes it possible to have beautiful turf with half the mowing, making it better for the environment.

ProVista is resistant to glyphosate-non-selective herbicide.

 It also has a dwarfing effect, which limits the vertical growth of the plants and reduces the frequency of mowing

Temperature Tolerance:

St. Augustine grass thrives well during the heat of summer months, and tolerates most of the winters in North Texas without much problem. Extreme cold temperatures that occur occasionally in this area can cause damage to St. Augustine grass, especially in shady areas.

Shade Tolerance:

Scotts® ProVista™ has a deep green color, thrives in full sun and exhibits improved performance in moderate shade.

4 hours minimum are required for a full and healthy lawn.

Wear Resistance:

Occasional traffic isn't a problem on established turf.

Has the ability to recover from damage once foot traffic is removed.

Water Requirements:

Requires irrigation during summer months

 of approximately 1" to 1.5" inch per week.

Disease and Insect Susceptibility:

Even grass can get sick under the wrong conditions such as poor weather, stress and insect damage.

Two common diseases you may come across as you maintain your new lawn are the following -Grey Leaf Spot & Large Patch. Prevention treatment is always better than curative.

Recommended Usage:

 Still our best choice for lawns with partial shade. It will also perform well in lawns with full sun exposure given adequate irrigation.

With proper care, St. Augustine will provide a thick beautiful lawn that discourages weed infestation.

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