Sims Grass Co.

655 N Industrial Blvd, Bedford TX 76021

Zoysia - Emerald


Zoysia is a warm-season grass with a fine texture and dark emerald green color.

It produces a low-growing, dense turf and has a slower growth rate compared to St Augustine and Bermuda.

Temperature Tolerance:

Tolerating heat extremely well, Emerald also has one of the best overall cold tolerances of any warm season turf.

It will turn totally dormant after the first frost.

Shade Tolerance:

Has high shade tolerance, which enables it to withstand some lower light conditions.

Emerald is as close in shade tolerance to Palmetto or Cobalt St Augustine.

Wear Resistance:

Has some well tolerated resistance to traffic.

However if damage does occur, recovery is slow because of its slow growth rate and you may need to replace a particularly damaged section with new sod pieces instead of waiting for it to grow in.

Water Requirements:

Comparable to most of the warm season grasses.

 Has ability to live with minimal water in a drought, but to maintain quality turf, irrigation of approximately ½ - ¾ inch two to three times a week may be required.

Disease and Insect Susceptibility:

Overall Zoysia is highly resistant to most major turf diseases. Occasional insect problems can be controlled with proper management.

Recommended Usage:

Provides very good quality turf for home or business lawn. High shade tolerance and good wear resistance makes it a turf that more homes should consider.

Bare in mind Emerald does prefer to be cut with a Reel-type mower and to be kept LOW.

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